Universitat Rovira i Virgili

What do we offer?

The Faculty of Economics and Business provides you with an excellent education with an international perspective, internships in companies and excellent employment opportunities. Our educational programme offers several competitive advantages.

1. Students are the focus of academic planning

Our academic planning adapts to your needs and is designed to help you learn. Our class schedules are conveniently arranged so you can organise your study time, do extracurricular internships, learn languages and take part in other activities.

Optional courses are concentrated into one semester so you can study abroad at another university in Europe or anywhere else in the world.

Our bachelor's degree programmes share a common curriculum in the first year, so if you decide to change to another course all the subjects you have passed will still be recognised.

If you're coming from an advanced vocational qualification (CFGS) related to your studies, you'll be able to have courses recognised. Depending on what degree you choose, you may be able to complete it in three years.

Small group sizes promote participation and ensure good contact with teaching staff.

2. Expand your job opportunities

When you finish your degree, you'll have accredited professional experience from having completed 560 hours of curricular work placement in companies or institutions in the region. Thanks to continuous cooperation between the faculty and more than 150 companies and institutions in all economic sectors, you'll have the opportunity to extend your practical experience with extracurricular internships in the last years of your degree. As a graduate, you'll also have permanent access to job offers from the employment service.

3. International projection

Internationalisation is one of the central tenets of our programme. You'll be able to study in any of more than 140 universities in 33 countries we've signed agreements with, with more than 250 positions offered.

You'll also have the option of taking almost half of your degree courses in English, including courses for the Specialisation in International Commerce. You can share classrooms with students from other countries to prepare yourself for life in international environments.   

4. Expert teaching staff

Your classes will be taught by national and international teaching staff of the highest academic calibre as well as renowned professionals. You'll receive the most up-to-date knowledge thanks to the wealth of research experience of our teaching staff (91 lecturers are in the seven research groups recognised by the Government of Catalonia). Managers and professionals with extensive teaching experience also take part in teaching activities.   

5. Quality

We're the first Catalan public university to receive institutional accreditation from the Council of Universities. This represents a guarantee of quality for all aspects of teaching.

You'll receive innovative instruction of the highest quality, recognised with awards from the Government of Catalonia, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, and the URV's University Council.

We're also certified by professional bodies such as the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and the ICAC (Institute of Accounting and Accounts Auditing).


  • Dra. M. Victòria Sánchez Rebull
  • Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business
  • Education has always been essential for individual and collective growth. The need for quality education has been growing due to the increasing complexity of our society and the speed of change. The economies of advanced societies are knowledge-based, and, as a result, jobs increasingly require the latest specialised knowledge.  
  • At the URV's Faculty of Economics and Business, we're aware of this fact and aim to offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses that are fully up-to-date and adapted to the needs of our society.  
  • The foundation of everything we offer is its quality, a participatory method that combines theoretical instruction with essential practice, the quality and reputation of our teaching staff, an international vision, and the employability of our students. Our quality is accredited by agencies of the Spanish and Catalan university system (the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation, ANECA, and the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency, AQU). We are the first public faculty in Catalonia to have this institutional accreditation.
  • We offer courses in continuous improvement; we're leaders; we promote knowledge in our sector; and we work with institutions and companies to find competitive solutions. However, if we were to name the one quality that really makes us proud, it's focusing on the education and personal growth of our students.
  • We encourage you to visit our website and learn more about what the Faculty of Economics and Business at Rovira i Virgili University can offer you.