- Dean: Dra. M. Victòria Sánchez Rebull(ELIMINAR)
- Vice-dean: Dra. Ana Beatriz Hernández Lara(ELIMINAR)
- Faculty Secretary: Dr. José Manuel Giménez Gómez(ELIMINAR)
- Bachelor in Business and Management Coordinator (Bellissens): Prof. María José Garbajosa Cabello(ELIMINAR)
- Bachelor in Finance and Accounting Coordinator (Bellissens): Dra. M. Carmen Molina Cobo(ELIMINAR)
- Bachelor in Economics Coordinator (Bellissens): Dr. Óscar Martínez Ibáñez(ELIMINAR)
- Bachelor in Business and Management Coordinator (Terres de l'Ebre): Prof. Josep Miró Aragonés(ELIMINAR)
- Double degree Bachelor in Business and Management, and Finance and Accounting Coordinator: Dra. M.Carmen Molina Cobo(ELIMINAR)
- Double degree Bachelor in Business and Management, and Law Coordinator: Prof. María José Garbajosa Cabello(ELIMINAR)
- Double degree Bachelor in Business and Management, and Techniques for Developing Web and Mobile Applications Coordinator: Prof. María José Garbajosa Cabello(ELIMINAR)
- Double degree Bachelor in Business and Management, and Marketing Coordinator (Bellissens): Dr. Óscar Martinez Ibáñez(ELIMINAR)
- Double degree Bachelor in Business and Management, and Marketing Coordinator (Terres de l’Ebre): Prof. Josep Miró Aragonés(ELIMINAR)
- Master in Management Coordinator: Dra. Laura Fabregat Aibar(ELIMINAR)
- Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Coordinator: Dra. Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa(ELIMINAR)
- Master in International Markets Coordinator: Dr. Xavier Ponce Alifonso(ELIMINAR)
- Head of the IQAS: Dr. Antonio Terceño Gómez(ELIMINAR)
- External Academic Internships and Job Board Coordinator: Dra. M. Glòria Barberà Mariné(ELIMINAR)
- Bachelor’s Degree Thesis Coordinator: Prof. Josep Miró Aragonés(ELIMINAR)
- Internationalization and Mobility Coordinator: Dr. Albert Fonts Ribas(ELIMINAR)
- Tutorial Action Plan Coordinator: Prof. Norberto Márquez Álvarez(ELIMINAR)
- Head of the Relations with Secondary education: Dra. Mar Pàmies Pallisé(ELIMINAR)
- Head of the Communication and Dissemination: Dra. M. Carmen Molina Cobo(ELIMINAR)
- Head of Social Networks: Dr. Antoni Vidal Suñé(ELIMINAR)
- Head of Equality: Dr. Amado Alarcón Alarcón(ELIMINAR)
Competences and attributions
- The responsibility of the dean is to represent the Faculty, to manage and coordinate its daily routine and activities; to manage the academic, administrative and budget issues and keep the Faculty Board periodically informed; to convene and chair the Faculty Board and ensure that the decisions are implemented; to appoint the vice-dean, the secretary and the study coordinators among the permanent full-time professors of the faculty; to manage the administrative and service personnel and fulfill all functions attributed to him/her the URV Statutes and those other functions that are not attributed to the Faculty Board either by the Statutes or the Faculty regulations.
- The vice-dean fulfils the functions entrusted to him/her by the dean, and assumes his/her functions in the case of absence, illness or vacancy.
- The secretary is in charge of drafting and custody of the acts of the Faculty Board, and the issue of certificates for the agreements and the necessary certifications in the administrative management of the Faculty.
- Under the dean's guidance, the study coordinators are responsible for the academic programming, the coordination of human resources and materials required for teaching one or more related degrees, monitoring the quality and the plans to improve these degrees, making any corresponding proposals.