Master’s thesis guide
Description of the master’s degree thesis
Regulations governing the master’s degree thesis
Enrolment and examination
Information about the master’s degree thesis
Application and proposal
Preparation and submission of the thesis
Satisfaction surveys
►Description of the master’s degree thesis
In compliance with the regulations governing university degree programmes, the bachelor’s degree programmes of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEE) include the preparation and defence of a master’s degree thesis. It can be done, if so desired, as part of the URV’s Service Learning Programme.
The master’s degree thesis is an original piece of unpublished work that requires students to use all the content taught on the master’s degree and the competencies acquired.
The master’s degree thesis must be drafted and submitted by a single student. In special circumstances, if the topic and/or the methodology so require, it may be the work of two students. It will be understood that a thesis will be the work of two students if the application for the topic and tutor is presented jointly and it is accepted by the coordinator.
The master’s degree thesis can be done at the URV or at another institution or company (hereinafter, collaborating entity). When students have to carry out all or a significant part of the thesis at a collaborating entity they will be assigned a URV tutor and also a tutor from the collaborating entity. In this case, the FEE and the collaborating entity must sign an agreement.
When a thesis uses data, information or material that is confidential or subject to industrial and/or commercial secrecy, the URV and the collaborating entity must sign a confidentiality agreement. In this case, the student, the tutor, the members of the examination panel and the thesis coordinator must comply with the stipulations of the agreement and sign the annex.
►Regulations governing the master’s degree thesis
Academic Regulations for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Studies, approved by the Governing Council.
Regulations for Enrolment in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes, approved by the Governing Council.
Regulations Governing the Master’s Degree Thesis at the FEE.
The process of the master’s degree thesis is described in the faculty’s Internal System of Quality Assurance (SIGQ) (PR-FEE020 GESTIÓ DEL TFM). Our desire to improve our students’ education means that the master’s degree coordinator and the dean’s staff are constantly making new proposals for improvement and reviewing the whole process.
►Enrolment and examination
Students must enrol for their master’s degree thesis in compliance with the requirements established in the URV regulations for Enrolment in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes and the Regulations Governing the Master’s Degree Thesis at the FEE.
The master’s degree thesis can be submitted and defended in June or September in the periods scheduled. Students can request the June call to be brought forward to January, in compliance with the stipulations of the URV’s Regulations for Enrolment in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes. However, the September call cannot be brought forward to June.
►Information about the master’s degree thesis
The academic calendar for master’s degrees at the FEE, approved by the Faculty Board, sets the periods in which a master’s degree can be defended (first call brought forward to January, first call in June and second call in September) and the information is published in the FBE’s course guide, available on the faculty’s website.
The coordinator conducts an information session on the main aspects to take into account in the management and implementation of the MT.
►Assignation of the topic and tutor for the MT
The coordinator of the master’s degree thesis will post the form for proposing a topic and a tutor on Moodle, and will set the procedure and the deadline for sending it.
The coordinator of the master's degree thesis will review the proposals and assign the tutors and topics proposed by the students. Should the students’ proposals not be accepted, the coordinator will arrange a meeting to discuss it.
►Preparation and submission of the thesis
The student must take into account the indications of the FBE's Guide for the elaboration of the MT.
Tutor and student agree on the system and frequency of monitoring the development of MT.
The MT's coordinator publishes in the Moodle space, the term of MT's delivery, in each call.
The student must deliver the MT in the established periods, as the procedure set in the MT space in the Moodle indicates. When submitting the MT, the student must attach the documentation required in order for the MT to be added to the institutional repository of the URV.
Master’s degree theses are evaluated by an examination panel.
The examination panel consists of a chair, a member and a secretary, preferably lecturers on the master’s degree and affiliated to the URV’s Department of Business Management and/or Department of Economics but who have not been tutors of the students to be evaluated. Nevertheless, in exceptional circumstances teaching staff from other URV departments and other Spanish and foreign universities can be invited to be on the panel.
The MT's coordinator informs the students of the composition of the courts and of the date, time and place of defense of each MT through the Moodle space.
Thesis defences are open to the public (except when a confidentiality agreement has been signed) and are held in person on university premises.
The evaluation panel qualifies the student's work and presentation following the MT evaluation rubrics published in the FBE MT elaboration guide. Grades are always awarded to individual students even if the thesis has been drafted by two students. Total or partial plagiarism may mean, among other possible consequences, that the thesis is awarded the grade of fail (zero).
►Satisfaction surveys
During the master’s degree thesis, the following surveys and questionnaires must be completed.
For students:
- Survey of satisfaction with the master’s degree thesis.
For tutors:
- Satisfaction survey for tutors of master’s degree theses.